About Me


I am Dare, a Writer and a Software Developer. I tinker with sofwares using javascript and its related tools in bringing modern web structures to life. As an hobbyist web developer and a mobile app enthusiast, I priortize the importance of carefully designed user interfaces which helps in my building of clean and accessible web products.

When I'm not coding, i enjoy writing poems and memoirs, making coffee, grooming my imaginary cats or singing Beyonce.


Web Development

There is no denying or getting around it, our lives have become digitally-driven, far more than we want or expect.

This the reason web development has become an essential part of every individual, business or corporation seeking to reach a wide audience.

To create and maintain the growth that your business or brand requires, web development is the key. I will help you create visibilty and awareness that cuts across all spheres of life, using the latest on-demand technologies.

Web Security

As a result of recent technology changes, it has become increasingly difficult for businesses, corporations and start-ups to keep sensitive data secure.

This is why web security is critical to keeping crackers and cyber-criminals from exploiting and attacking sensitive user data.

I implement this security tips to avoid the risk of web security attacks:

  • Two-Factor Authentication
  • Using Secure Networks such as HTTPS
  • Sanitizing User Inputs
  • Client and Server-side Validation
  • Encrypting Sensitive User Data
  • Web Design

    Every bit and part of your websites is considered greatly when designing. A well designed website / web application is a critical mainstay to a succesful brand. It impacts how audiences perceive your brands and which may help form an impression on prospective clients.

    While User Interface helps you catch clients's attention, User Experince is what keeps them loyal to your brand. This is why I pay great attention into creating and crafting the optimal user experience.









    git & github


    e-comm store

    html, css & javascript

    porftolio site

    html, css & javascript

    blog landing page

    html, css & javascript

    To-do App

    html, css & javascript

    decor website

    html, css & javascript

    crowfund page

    html, css & javascript


    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora tenetur fuga sunt voluptates! Illum, incidunt. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Suscipit, iure. "

    John Doe

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora tenetur fuga sunt voluptates! Illum, incidunt. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Odio, eveniet."

    Jack Dorsey

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempora tenetur fuga sunt voluptates! Illum, incidunt. Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Reiciendis, corporis."

    Tim Cook


    Contact Information

    Ibadan, Oyo

    (+234) 0814-341-5432


    Get In Touch